Working papers
Abundance from Abroad: Migrant Income and Long-Run Economic Development (with Gaurav Khanna, Emir Murathanoglu, and Caroline Theoharides). Revision requested, American Economic Review.
The Price of Faith: Economic Costs and Religious Group Membership in Sub-Saharan Africa (with Eduardo Montero and Triana Yentzen).
Ancient Epics in the Television Age: Media, Identity, and the Rise of Hindu Nationalism in India (with Resuf Ahmed, Paul Brimble, Akhila Kovvuri, and Alessandro Saia).
War Mobilization and Economic Development: World War II and Structural Transformation in India (with Aneesha Parvathaneni).
The Long Shadow of Early Education: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in the Philippines (with Thomas Lloyd).
Permanent working paper
- The Impact of Rainfall on Rice Output in Indonesia (with David I. Levine), NBER Working Paper No. 20302, July 2014.